Sunday 13 March 2011

Guitar Hero

I gave Matthew a coupon-guitar for his birthday, on January 8. You know, where you basically give an I.O.U. for a gift you haven't bought yet. :) There was no point buying something just to pack it up and move it. So we went and bought a guitar yesterday - March 12. It takes me awhile, but I follow through on my coupon-gifts.

We went to a pawn shop to get it, and Matthew got all bashful about trying it out in the store. Some of you might ask, "What kind of guitar is it?" And in reponse I say, "Acoustic. Brown. Regular." The brand (do you call it a brand? a make? a style?) is Westville -and, as a non-guitar connoisseur, let me tell you, it sounds great. Maybe we will make a band and be like the Partridge family. Or the New Main Street Family singers. (Any Christopher Guest fans out there??)

 The best part about the guitar purchase was the ride home when Faff had to pretend to be a total badazz and bike home with a guitar on his back. I tried to get him to play in one of the parks in the town centre but he blushed and said, "Jammy, no."
Physicist by day, rock star by night.
Well, if the whole 'physics' thing doesn't work out, maybe we can just cycle around Europe busking.

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