Saturday 14 May 2011

One Foot In The Door

My Mum was here for a week earlier this month, and it was really great to have her here. Elizabeth loves her Nanny Juanita, and it was so nice to just have Mum around. We didn't do any touristy things (other than watch the Royal Wedding) and it was so relaxed, just spending time together.
At Nanny Jock's house, watching the Princes as they left Clarence House and headed to Westminster Abbey.
Cuddles with Nanny on the train.
 But I knew I could be sad when my Mum left, so I made plans for that afternoon with our friends Alex & Naomi Glancy. They are good people. The two of them have lived in London for the past 5 or 6 years, and just recently purchased their first flat. We were super excited to see their new place, in Crystal Palace. So we said some teary goodbyes to my Mum, and off we went.

It was so much fun!!! Their place is great! We had a great barbecue, some good laughs, and a really wonderful afternoon in their garden. I am so happy for them!
Naomi showed Elizabeth around the flower garden, and then had a little cuddle.
Alex looks particularly awesome in this photo. We are teaching Elizabeth well, and letting her play with bottle openers.  Mom and Dad of the Year, for sure.
Hellooooooo Ladies. 
After we left, I realized that they live in London. The two of them are totally settled there. They have great jobs that they like, they have a circle of friends, they have a definite home, they live there. They buy furniture, without worrying about selling it in 2 years. They buy books. They are invested in their lives here. I don't feel invested in my life here. I feel like we might be officially considered "Residents", but it feels like we're permanent tourists. It took us a month to decide to get a freezer because we'd only be using it for 2 years. I haven't bought any books - or really, anything - since moving here. We hemmed and hawed when my Mum offered to buy us a £13 bookcase for Elizabeth's books (which she brought here from home in a suitcase) - because 'what are we going to do with it when we move back?'. We have new friends here, but (for those Girl Guides out there) most of them are silver, not gold. Seeing Alex & Naomi and their complete life made me realize how certain I am that we are going to move back to Canada eventually. I feel like I am living with one foot in Cambridge, and one foot in Canada.

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