Wednesday 25 January 2012

I Really Should Get a Better Camera

My friend from junior high school, Jonathan Squires, got married on Friday, to a lovely British girl named Emma. And I am lucky enough to live here in the UK, and even luckier still that my cousin Emma agreed to take care of Elizabeth over night so Matthew & I could go to the wedding in London.

Eliz and I trained down to the lovely countryside in Kent on Wednesday. I thought it was a good idea to be there for 2 nights before leaving for the night - she knows Emma, but she doesn't really know her. I needn't have worried - after about 10 minutes of being there, she was 100% in love with Henry, Emma's 3 year old son. And he was sooooo sweet with her - he shared all his toys with her, and said, in his super cute little Brit voice, 'Here you go, Wizabeff, you play with Buzz Wightyear, and I will play wiv Wooody.' And at one point, he started calling her 'Wizabelle' which then turned to 'Belle', and she answered everytime. So funny. Emma's 5 year old daughter, Millie, took it upon herself to take care of Elizabeth. I think she was disappointed that Elizabeth doesn't like to be picked up and carried about anymore, but they had fun together regardless.

One of my favourite things that happened that week was the Act of the Disappearing Henry James:

And then I left on Friday afternoon, and met up with Matthew at Richmond station, where he met me with a rental car. I thoroughly enjoyed my train ride of silence, with no toys, no snacks, and no running-up-and-down-the-aisle-laughing. It was glorious. We drove through the richy rich area of Richmond to our beautiful hotel, including down one road that was so narrow, I was convinced it was a one-way. Matthew is such a confident driver now! So hot!

And the wedding was wonderful and so much fun, and the bride was stunning, and the groom looked so pleased with himself. It was just a fantastic time all around. I saw some old friends, all of whom were looking great and having a good time too. It was one of those nights where you never stop smiling, because you just kept having great conversations, meeting interesting new people, and laughing, laughing, laughing.

And here is the TOTAL amount of pictures that I took, between both my cruddy blackberry camera and my regular point-and-shoot. Wow. I need a better camera. Stat.

And I save, for the pièce de resistance: a blurry photo of the beautiful bride. .

For the benefit of Jonathan and Emma, I give you a photo care of the bride's Facebook page - this is what they actually looked like: happy, stunning and completely delighted with each other. It was a great wedding!

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